Registered Membership application information (For those who joined HTNZ Pre 1/1/2023)


  • All NOM that passed at the 2022 AGM and associated rule changes will only apply to new HTNZ members accepted from 1/1/23. Members who joined before this will stay under the process that applied at the time.

  • Rules pre 1/1/23 - these rules are your best resource for understanding the legal requirements of HTNZ membership and operational structure of HTNZ

  • Schedule of Points and log book template
    If membership is confirmed between January & September then the 2 years to accrue log book points are that calendar year and the following calendar year. If registered membership is conferred between October and December then the 2 years to accrue points will be the following 2 calendar years.

    Use of points accrued via the HTNZ Inc. Hand Therapy Training Program: points obtained from each module and the exam of the training program can be used either:
    Towards maintenance points for Associate membership in that current 2 year period.
    Providing the Associate has enough other points to cover their Associate membership log book requirements, can be accumulated and reassigned towards maintenance points for the first two year period of Registered membership.

    Points from training programmes must be used in their entirety for one of these 2 options (i.e. they cannot be split to be used for both options).

    If an HTNZ member is not able to accrue the log book points required for membership maintenance, they should submit a letter to the Administrator by November of their second year outlining reasons why and when they anticipate being able to complete the points. The Executive Committee will assess eligibility for extensions on a case by case basis.

    A lapse of Registered membership can be re-established by the accumulation of 45 points within a one year period and a penalty payment.

  • Application for Registered Membership Pathway 1: Case Study please include cover sheet and $500 fee payment with application email
    Case Study-Cover Sheet
    Case Study-Presentation Criteria

  •  Clinical Case Presentation Marking Schedule (will be sent to you by the Case Study marker)


Pathway 3 (Additional Paper) Registered Membership Application

Please name the File "01 Application Form"  
Please name the file "02 HAUL  paper"
Evidence of HTNZ approved additional post graduate level paper. (15 credits) Relevant to Hand Therapy Practice, within the last 5 years.
Please name the file "03 Post Grad paper" 
Verification of 1800 supervised clinical hours (within the last 3 year period). Conditions involving the forearm and hand must comprise 70% of clinical hours
Please name the file "04 Supervision hours"
Case Log (onsite supervision) – Submit a tally of cases from the previous 3/12. 
Case Log (offsite supervision) – Submit a detailed case log as per appendix 5 of the supervision guidelines.
Please name the file "05 Case log Onsite supervision" or "05 Case log Off site supervision"
Verification of formal supervision, submit supervision record
Please name the file "06 Formal Supervision"
HTNZ log book for continuing professional development
Please name the file "07 Professional Development"
Letter of recommendation from a HTNZ Registered Hand Therapist or Orthopaedic or Plastic Hand Surgeon
Please name the file "08 Letter of recommendation"
Completion of both HTNZ approved static and dynamic splinting course
Please name the file "09a Static splinting course' and "(09b) Dynamic splinting course"
Evidence of two peer reviews by a HTNZ Registered Hand Therapist 
Please name the file "10a Peer review 1" and "10b Peer review 2"
Does not need to be submitted 
Consent form  - use of clinical case information and images 
Does not need to be submitted



  • Once completed, please email your form and supporting documents to HTNZ Admin

  • Applications for registration are to be submitted at least 5 working days prior to the Executive meeting. Executive Meetings are scheduled for the first Tuesday of each month (except January when there is no meeting). 
    If application documents are not correctly completed or provided then this will delay the application process.