Associate Membership Information


  • HTNZ Rules post 1/1/23  - these rules are your best resource for understanding the requirements of HTNZ membership and operational structure of HTNZ

Entry Requirements

  • Working in the field of hand therapy under the supervision of a HTNZ Registered member
  • Registered Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist who is a current member of their parent body
  • Payment of the annual subscription fee. If a member joins with more than three months left in the subscription year, they will pay the full subscription fee. If there is less than three months left in the subscription year, they will pay a pro rata fee of the annual subscription fee.

Maintenance Criteria

  • Accrue a minimum of 45 points in each 2 year period (refer to Schedule of Points)
  • Payment of an annual subscription fee.
  • Each Associate member must be approved by HTNZ Executive Committee.
  • A lapse of Associate membership can be re-established by the accumulation of 20 points within a one year period and a penalty payment.
  • Associate members are required to include the word ‘Associate Hand Therapists’ when providing their credentials.
  • Associate members may remain Associates for a total of 5 years unless an extension has been granted by the HTNZ Executive Committee.

Points Structure

  • If an Associate joins between January & and September then the 2 years to accrue points are the calendar year they join and the following calendar year. If an Associate joins between October and December, then the 2 years to accrue points will be the following 2 calendar years.
  • If an Associate is not able to accrue the points required, they should submit a letter to the HTNZ Executive Committee by November of their second year outlining reasons why and when they anticipate being able to complete the points. The Executive Committee will assess eligibility for extensions on a case by case basis.
  • Use of points accrued via the HTNZ Inc. Hand Therapy Training Program: points obtained from each module and the exam of the training program can be used either:
    Towards maintenance points for Associate membership in that current 2 year period.    OR   Providing the Associate has enough other points to cover their Associate membership log book requirements, can be accumulated and reassigned towards maintenance points for the first two year period of Registered membership.
  • Points from training programmes must be used in their entirety for one of these 2 options (i.e. they cannot be split to be used for both options).
  • If an HTNZ member is not able to accrue the log book points required for membership maintenance, they should submit a letter to the Administrator by November of their second year outlining reasons why and when they anticipate being able to complete the points. The Executive Committee will assess eligibility for extensions on a case by case basis.
  • Schedule of Points and log book template